Wisconsin Balance of State NOFO Project Scoring Tool Report Guide

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition requires each HUD CoC to evaluate and rank projects. The CoC is required to use objective, performance-based scoring criteria and selection priorities to determine the extent to which each project addresses HUD's policy priorities. The Wisconsin Balance of State CoC relies on information from multiple sources to evaluate projects, including reports generated from the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). 

The primary HMIS reports used in the Balance of State's CoC Competition evaluation process include the following:

These reports are generated for the most recent complete HUD reporting year, which runs from October 1 through September 30. 

The Wisconsin Balance of State NOFO Project Scoring Tool Report Guide is designed to help CoC-funded agencies understand the data from HMIS that is used to evaluate and rank projects for the CoC competition. It is intended to complement the WI Balance of State CoC's Project Scoring Tool Explanation, which can be accessed at the following link: 2024 HUD COC Competition - Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care (WIBOSCOC)

The guide includes:

  • A description of each table in the report and the section it corresponds to in the WIBOSCOC Project Scoring Tool 
  • An explanation of the data examined in each table of the report
  • Suggested additional reports to review

Agencies are strongly encouraged to review their reports in preparation for the CoC Competition, and may request the WI-500 NOFO Project Scoring Report and [HUDX-223-AD] System Performance Measures report from their HMIS System Administrator. 

Click the link below to access the Wisconsin Balance of State NOFO Project Scoring Tool Report Guide:

Wisconsin Balance of State NOFO Project Scoring Tool Report Guide 6.13.2024

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