Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) projects provide a long-term rental subsidy along with supportive services. In most communities, PSH programs enroll clients who have been referred to a program from the CoC's Coordinated Entry system. Once an individual or household has been referred and determined to be eligible, follow these steps to enroll them and document their time working with the PSH project.

Enrolling a household

  1. First, search for the Head of Household's Clarity profile and ensure that all members of the household are properly connected.
  2. Next, select the appropriate PSH project under the Program tab and create a program enrollment for the client and any additional household members. If the household was referred from Coordinated Entry, be sure to link the enrollment to the referral. Clicking enroll will take you to the Program Enrollment screen to enter the required information about the people receiving services.
  3. In some cases the Housing Move in Date (HMID) will be left blank during the initial enrollment. It will only be filled in once the household moves into their unit.
  4. CoC and funder specific guidance
    1. Milwaukee CoC - After completing the program enrollment, you are automatically directed to the Milwaukee City-County CoC Assessment

While enrolled

  1. Some agencies or funders require documentation using Notes or Services. Talk to your manager if you have questions about your project's expectations.
  2. As necessary, add or remove members from the household's enrollment.
  3. Use Status Assessment to document changes to a client's income and benefits status at anytime throughout the enrollment. Documenting income changes is particularly important for RRH projects.
  4. If the household obtains housing, go back to the head of household's enrollment screen and add the Housing Move in Date. This date should be the day the household started staying in the unit.
  5. If the household composition changes, add a new member to the enrollment or exit someone who is departing.
  6. Once per year, on the anniversary of the head of household's program start date, an Annual Assessment is required for each household member. Among the updates, documenting any changes to income or benefits such as SSI/SSDI is particularly important for PSH projects, if they have not already been documented in a Status Update.
  7. If a household loses housing, but not access to PSH programming, exit the household from the project on the day they lost housing and then re-enroll them for the same, or following, day.

Exit from the program enrollment

  1. A program exit should be entered for the date a household will no longer be working with the PSH project. 
  2. When exiting a household, pay particular attention to the Exit Destination field which is used for both project and system performance measures. Avoid using "other" when completing this field.
  3. If it becomes known that the client is deceased, please indicate so on the profile screen. See Death and Deceased Documentation Guide

Reporting, data clean up, and project analysis

  1. CoC funded PSH projects submit the APR, a report that can also be used for data clean up and project analysis.
  2. EHH Report for Data Quality - Includes a project level DQ score and key performance metrics useful for project, agency, and system level analysis
  3. Additional guidance and resources for using reports for data clean up and project analysis can be found on this Project Oversight page.

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