Exiting a Client
- Toggle on EACH household member exiting, then click End Program
- Enter any updates to the Assessment questions listed and answer the Exit Destination question.
- If you are exiting more than one client, you will need to scroll down the screen and click Save & Next
- Clicking Save & Next will bring you to the next household member’s Exit Assessment until each household member you toggled on has been exited.
1. Click the Program tab and select the program enrollment you are exiting the client from.
2. Within the program enrollment, the Exit button is located on the right side of the Program screen.
3. Clicking Exit opens a small pop-up window
4. Clicking End Program opens the Program’s Exit Screen.
Additional Program Types
Program types such as Night-by-Night Emergency Shelter, Coordinated Entry, Street Outreach, RHY, Veterans programing, DEHCR Case Management, etc., have program specific workflows that may have steps or processes in addition to those outlined above.
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