Dane County Street Outreach Case Conferencing Report
This report is primarily designed to support case conferencing efforts among street outreach providers in the Madison / Dane County CoC. The reports pulls together a mix of important outreach related HMIS data points including fields on the Dane Street Outreach Case Conferencing Assessment (more info below).
A Looker data analysis license is required to run this report. For system-wide case conferencing the report will be run by someone with appropriate access. Agencies can also run the report for their own clients and are expected to do so as part of preparation for the case conferencing meetings. The is no need to alter the report prompts, just click run and then wait for the report to finish loading. It is a complicated report and may take up to 15 minutes to load. The report has two sections, one for actively enrolled clients and another for clients exited in past 6 months. The report can be downloaded and saved but please remember that this report contains client names and extra precautions are required to maintain client confidentiality.
Running the report
Step 1: Click on the Launchpad Icon, and select the Reports icon.
Step 2: Once on the Reports main page navigate to the Data Analysis tab
Then click the down arrow next to the DASHGreatLakes folder to expand the section. Scroll down until you see the Dane heading and click "RUN" on the Dane Street Outreach Case Conferencing Report
Populating the Case Conferencing report
Most of the report content is generated from information contained in the street outreach enrollment including information from the profile, enrollment screen, and current living situation assessments. Additional information is derived from the most recent Dane outreach case conferencing assessment.
Dane Outreach Case Conferencing Assessment
The assessment may be reached under the Assessment Tab from within the Program Enrollment for an active client. Only staff at the agency will have access to the assessment.
The assessment fields pull directly into the report. A new assessment should be completed as necessary including follow client interactions and during case conferencing meetings. The assessment contains the following fields:
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