COLA Updates Needed


The COLA Updates Needed report is a Looker based report to ensure Cost of Living Income are accurately recorded for clients enrolled in programs.  .  This report can be run by agency any time for any time period. All programs and clients in housing programs under the agency will be included in the report.

When reviewing the report: 

  • Make sure all programs expected are showing in the report
  • Review the list provided of clients needing an update


Accessing the Exports

Step 1: Click on the     Launchpad Icon, and select the Reports icon. 

Step 2: Once on the   Reports main page navigate to the Data Analysis

Then click the down arrow next to the DASHGreatLakes folder to expand the section and click RUN on the PATH Data Completeness report

Step 3: Click Run and Select Prompts.

  • Agency Name: Choose your Agency Name from the list
  • Reporting Period Filter: Choose the start and end dates of the reporting period

To review the clients needing a COLA Update, see the last tile of the report.

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