Data Completeness - ESG Street Outreach


The Data Completeness - ESG Street Outreach report is a Looker based report to ensure all required data elements are completed before the submission of the ESG CAPER Report.  This report can be run any time for any time period. Please refer to this page for a guide on ESG data entry.

When reviewing the report: 

  • The first contact/Current Living Situation is the date of program enrollment
  • All clients without contact greater than 60 days need to be exited for the date of last contact
  • Date of Engagement should be recorded for all clients who are actively engaged in a case plan with case worker and require the full data collection as listed on enrollment
  • Best practice to include a location of contact with client in the Current Living Situation when client located in Place Not Meant for Human Habitation


Accessing the Exports

Step 1: Click on the    Launchpad Icon, and select the Reports icon. 

Step 2: Once on the  Reports main page navigate to the Data Analysis

Then click the down arrow next to the DASHGreatLakes folder to expand the section and click RUN on the PATH Data Completeness report

Step 3: Click Run and Select Prompts.

  • Reporting Period Filter: Choose the start and end dates of the reporting period
  • Program Name: Choose the ESG Street Outreach programs for your agency

To review the data quality report view the screen or download to the CSV format to review each section individually

  • To Download, click the three dots on the upper right side of the report and select Download
  • Choose the CSV format and click download

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