[JRSD-104] Zip Code Jurisdictional Breakout

[JRSD-104] Zip Code Jurisdictional Breakout

Report Purpose and Summary 

This report lists the number of individual clients and families in a program by zip code. It shows the number of individual clients and families who reside in each zip code that is entered into the selected program. It also indicates the city and state associated with each zip code. For the same report designed for services, use [JRSD-103] Zip Code Jurisdictional Breakout. Anyone can run the report but the returned information will be limited based on the access rights of the user.


Make sure you are operating in Clarity under the agency you are running the report for. You can check and change this under your name in the top right corner.

Step 1: Click on the Launchpad, then click on the Reports icon. 

Step 2: In the Report Library, click the down arrow next to the Program Based Reports folder to expand the section.  

Step 3: Click the Run button next to [JRSD-104] Zip Code Jurisdictional Breakout.

Reporting Parameters

Step 4: Enter the following parameters

Program(s) Select which program(s) to include in the report (hold either control/command/shift button to select multiple)
Report Date Range Select the date range of active enrollments to include in the report
Report Output Format Select *Web Page, PDF or Excel

*Drilldown Functionality is available when run in Web Page Format 

Step 5: Click submit

The file will be sent to the  Report Queue. Once the report is processed, you will receive a notification that the report is ready.

To open the report, either select  Open on the popup or click the Queue icon and then click Open.

Reporting Details

The data for this report is taken from the profile screen for clients enrolled in the selected program(s).

If the client does not have a zip code, it will be included in the N/A section of the report.

Drilldown Functionality

Drilldowns for clients will yield a list of all clients who are associated with that zip code. The clients are separated by household and based on the zip code of the Head of Household.

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