[OUTS-107] Households Served Report
Report Purpose and Summary
This report provides unduplicated counts of total persons served for specified services. It also provides total households served, including a list of all household members.
Note: Household members do not require a service placement to be included in the totals. The Household Served Report counts all members of the client group who are actively linked to the client who has received the service.
Make sure you are operating in Clarity under the agency you are running the report for. You can check and change this under your name in the top right corner.
Step 1: Click on the Launchpad, then click on the Reports icon.
Step 2: In the Report Library, click the down arrow next to the Service Based Reports folder to expand the section.
Step 3: Click the Run button next to [OUTS-107] Households Served Report.
Reporting Parameters
Step 4: Enter the following parameters
Service(s) | Select the service(s) you want to run the report for(hold either control/command/shift button to select multiple) |
Do not display Services without any Household Served | Selecting ‘No’ here, the report is generated for full list of services regardless if any client used the service or not.  This setting defaults to No. Selecting Yes here, generates Household statistics for all services where at least one client used service. An additional Services without any Household served table appears to list all service items nobody used within the report date range. |
Veterans Status | Selecting ‘All’ will generate information for any of the options in the dropdown menu. You can also filter the report information by choosing one or several options. |
Report Date Range | Select the date range of services to include in the report |
Report Output Format | Select *Web Page, PDF or Excel |
*Drilldown Functionality is available when run in Web Page Format
Step 5: Click submit
The file will be sent to the Report Queue. Once the report is processed, you will receive a notification that the report is ready.
To open the report, either select Open on the popup or click the Queue icon and then click Open.
Reporting Details
This report provides counts of persons who received a specified service or services within an agency. It provides information on individual clients as well as households. Three data elements will be listed in each separate service table.
- Total Clients Served
- Total Households Served
- Household Size
Total Clients Served
This is the unduplicated count of all clients served, regardless of whether they are considered an individual or a member of a household.
Total Households Served
This is the total number of households associated with the selected service(s). All family members will be listed, regardless of whether they received the service. The household, in the case of this report, is the global Household, not the enrollment household.Note that the household information listed in the report is based upon service placement. This means that if a client is provided a service (one that is included in the report) while in one household, then switches to another household and receives a different service (one that is also included in the report), they will be listed in the drilldown list twice, once for each household.
Note: This total does not reflect an unduplicated count of clients individually.
Household Size
This compartmentalizes the members listed in Total Households Served according household size (1 Person Household = A household with only one person; 2 Person Household = A household comprising of two people, etc.)For each household size, the report lists # Households, and # of Persons in Households.
Note: # of Persons in Households can include household members who did not receive the service.
Drilldown Functionality
Drilldown functionality is available for this report on:
- Total Clients Served
- Total Households Served
- Each Household Size row
This will provide an unduplicated list of all clients who were served during the report period, along with their identifying information.