Community Queue Detail

[RFRL-120] Community Queue Detail 

Report Purpose and Summary 

The report can be found in the Community and Referrals section of the Report Library. The purpose of this report is to provide details about clients that were referred to the Community Queue by the agencies with the same CoC as the current agency.  

This is a referral-based report in which clients from Community Queues are divided into groups: 

        Clients on the community queue who are between the ages of 18-24 

o   Referrals are pulled into this section if clients' age at referral creation date was between 18 and 24 

        Clients on the community queue who are veterans 

o   Referrals are pulled into this section if clients' age at referral creation date was between 18 and 24 

        Clients in community queue with income 

o   Referrals are pulled into this section if referrals' assessments VI-SPDAT Socialization Q15 field is "Yes" 

        Clients on the community queue who have been in jail or prison 

o   Referrals are pulled into this section if referrals' assessments "Previously in Jail" field is "Yes" 

o   OR "Previously in Prison" field is "Yes" 

        Clients on the community queue who reported having no insurance 

o   Referrals are pulled into this section if referrals' assessments No Insurance" field is checked 

        Community Queue List section: 

o   This is the list of Community Queues selected on the Prompts page 


Make sure you are operating in Clarity under the agency you are running the report for. You can check and change this under your name in the top right corner.

Step 1: Click on the Launchpad and select the Reports icon.  

Step 2: Once on the Reports main page, click the down arrow next to the Community and Referrals to expand the section. 

Step 3: Click the Run button next to [RFRL-120] Community Queue Detail.

Reporting Parameters 

Step 4: Enter the following parameters 


Select the appropriate Continuum of Care

Primary Coordinated Entry Sharing Group

NOTE: this option is only displayed for instances with Coordinated Entry Type = Sharing Groups Based. 

It is the Primary Coordinated Entry Sharing Group of the current agency. 


Select the Queue(s) to include in the report (hold either control/command/shift button to select multiple)

Report Output Format 

Web Page, PDF, Excel 



Step 5: click Submit 

The file will be sent to the Report Queue. Once the report is processed, you send a notification that the report is ready. 

To open the report, either select Open on the popup or click the Queue icon and then click Download to open your report. 


Reporting Details

To be pulled into the report client should be: 


        Pending in the selected Queues 

        AND referred to Community Queue by the agencies of the selected CoC 


The Unique ID column contains the link to the client profile. 


The Age column displays clients' age at the moment the referral has been created. 


Referrals' assessments are assessments the referrals have been created under. 


VI-SPDAT column displays referrals' assessments score in case: 


        assessment Display Score option is turned on 

        AND client assessment processor code has SPDAT in the name 

        if there are several scores for the SPDAT assessment processor code for the referral's assessment, the last one will be displayed 

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