
Below is a list of various acronyms that may be found on the Knowledge Base or in this day-to-day work.

Annual Homeless Assessment Report (aka LSA locally)
APR Annual Performance Report
BCP Basic Center Programs (RHY funded)
BoS Balance of State
BLI Budget Line Item
CE Coordinated Entry
CFR Code of Federal Regulation
CH Chronically Homeless
CoC HUD Continuum of Care
CPD Community Planning and Development (MKE Field Office official title)
DOA WI Department of Administration
DEHCR WI Division of Energy, Housing, and Community Resources (within DOA)
DHS WI Department of Health Services
DV Domestic Violence
EHH Acronym for DEHCR grant that includes ESG funds
ES Emergency Shelter
ESG Emergency Solutions Grant (with EHH grant)
FMR Fair Market Rent
GIW Grant Inventory Worksheet
GPD U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs - Grant and Per Diem
HAP Housing Assistance Program (with EHH grant)
HCMS Homeless Case Management Services
HCV Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8)
HIC Housing Inventory Chart
HMID Housing Move-In Date
HMIS Homeless Management Information System
HoH Head of Household
HPP Homeless Prevention Program (with EHH grant)
HQS Housing Quality Standards
HUD U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
ICA Institute for Community Alliances
LHC Local Homeless Coalition
LSA Longitudinal Systems Analysis (report from HMIS submitted annually to HUD)
MKE Milwaukee
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
NbN Night-by-Night
NOFO Notice of Funding Opportunity 
NSPIRE National Standards for Physical Inspection of Real Estate
PATH Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (SO program)
PH Permanent Housing (either PSH or RRH)
PII Personally Identifying Information
PIT Point In Time Count
PSH Permanent Support Housing
RFP Request for Proposal
RHY Runaway and Homeless Youth grant
ROI Release of Information
RRH Rapid Re-Housing
SH Safe Haven (CoC funded program for CH persons)
SO/SOP Street Outreach Program
SSO Support Services Only
SSVF U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs - Support Services for Veteran Families
SSSG WI State Shelter Subsidy Grant
TA Technical Assistance
TBRA Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
TH Transitional Housing
UEI Unique Entity Identifier
UID Unique Identifier 
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
VASH U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs - Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing
VORP WI Department of Veteran Affairs - Veteran Outreach and Recovery Program
VSP Victim Services Provider
WIBOSCOC Wisconsin Balance of State
YHDP Youth Homelessness Demonstration Grant

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