HUD CoC Program Manual

The CoC (Continuum of Care) Program HMIS Manual is intended to support data collection and reporting efforts of Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Lead Agencies and CoC program recipients. This manual provides information on HMIS project setup and data collection guidance specific to the CoC Program and the legacy programs: Supportive Housing Program (SHP), Shelter Plus Care (S+C) and Single Room Occupancy for the Homeless (SRO) that have not yet renewed under the CoC Program. 

This document is not a replacement for any specific program guidance, requirements, regulations, notices, and training materials on the CoC Program. This manual only addresses the use of HMIS for CoC Program-funded projects. 

Click HERE for the full manual.


  1. Revision History 
  2. Introduction
  3. Additional Resources
  4. HMIS Resources
  5. HMIS Project Setup
    1. Identify Projects for Inclusion in HMIS
    2. Identify Funding Components for each Project
      1. Legacy Program Information: 
    3. Set Up Projects in HMIS 
      1. Organizational Identifier (2.1)
      2. Project Identifiers (2.2) 
      3. Continuum of Care (CoC) Code (2.3)
      4. Project Type (2.4)
      5. Method for Tracking Emergency Shelter Utilization (2.5) 
      6. Federal Partner Funding Sources (2.6)
      7. Bed and Unit Inventory Information (2.7) 
      8. Additional Project Information (2.8)
  6. Data Collection Requirements
    1. Universal Data Elements (UDE)
      1. Special notes about UDEs:
    2. Common Data Elements
    3. Special Data Collection Instructions 
      1. Homelessness Prevention
      2. Rapid Re-Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing
      3. Permanent Housing to Permanent Housing Transfers
      4. Supportive Services Only 
      5. Transitional Housing 
      6. Joint Transitional Housing and Rapid Re-housing Component
  7. CoC Program Reporting Requirements

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