YHDP BoS Street Outreach


YHDP Street Outreach Program Enrollments

The Project start date is the date of first contact with the client. 

Street Outreach Programs are expected to capture as much information as is possible at the initial interaction with the client. However, given the nature of YHDP street outreach, like all other street outreach projects in HMIS, they may gather and enter/edit much of the information over multiple interactions or contacts. Staff should enter and edit the data as they become aware of it. Initial name records may, for example, be “Youth in Raiders cap.” Upon further interactions, the case manager might be able to fully engage the youth to create a full named record in HMIS.

Recording Contacts using Current Living Situation Assessment

  • Current Living Situations are required to be recorded at first contact with the client and also every subsequent contact.
  • Current Living Situation is located in the Client's Program Enrollment.

Understanding Households for YHDP

All HMIS systems place individual clients in households. A household may be a single person household (i.e., an unaccompanied youth) or a household with multiple persons (i.e., household of a parenting youth and child or children). Where two or more youth under age 18 present at a project together without children, each youth should be entered in their own household. In this way, all elements required to be collected for youth by RHY grantees should be visible for data collection in HMIS as each youth is their own Head of Household.

Recording YHDP Street Outreach Exits

For Street Outreach, the exit date should be the date in which the Street Outreach worker is able to transfer the case to another youth provider case worker (shelter, transitional housing, permanent housing) or no longer needs to provide services to the youth. A client with an open record (i.e., project start without a project exit) for longer than 60 days, with no contact/current living situation recorded should be exited.  The exit date for a client with no contact should be backdated to the last date of contact / current living situation and listed as no exit interview completed.

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