Milwaukee Coordinated Entry

This training provides a step-by-step training on the Coordinated Entry process for participating agencies in the Milwaukee CoC.

Related Trainings

Beginner Training Videos:

Password: Clarity2021

To receive credit for viewing the training you are required to watch both videos: User Training Credit

Viewing verification code is provided at the bottom of the screen of the recorded Video.
Counts as: 1 User Training

(You only receive credit once per calendar year for viewing video, so please only register once per calendar year.  You may however, watch the video as many times as you wish.) 

Original training date: June 30, 2021
Length: 90 minutes

Advanced Training Videos:

How To Guides

PPT: MKE CoC Coordinated Entry Training- Housing and CE- 06-25-21

PPT: MKE CoC Coordinated Entry Training- CE Intake- 06-23-21

MKE How To Guide for CE Workflow in Clarity (May 2021)

MKE How To Remove a Referral from Community Queue in Clarity (May 2021)

Coordinated Entry Clean Up Guide (July 2024)

CE Cleanup Flowchart (July 2024)

Copyright © Institute for Community Alliances, 2024. All Rights Reserved. 

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